This is a Spring Airsoft Gun so all you have to do is cock back the slide and shoot. It's fast, clean, inexpensive and easily maintained. The gun does not require any. NLAirsoft: RWA KG-9 vs Echo1 GAT TEC-9. People Airsoft have at their website a photo of an upcoming KG-9 Airsoft gun being made in Taiwan.
'best sidearm for my sniper thus far. If you run 11. 865 Vga Driver Free Download Windows 7. Deathkings Of The Dark Citadel Patch there. 1v, don't use a 30c, because for some reason, semi goes full auto, yet my old 20c works just fine. The good: -small form factor -lightweight -works fine with a 7.4 -possible mod to install lipo inside the shroud, eliminating the front grip. The bad: -larger than normal accuracy difference between semi and auto -magazine sometimes jams -mag releases too easily. Best grip by the mag when running with it. The ugly: -proprietary hop up assembly with no current upgrades yet available.

-you can't wind the mag too tight (causes jams), so constant winding is required. This thing is incredible! Now I've only had it for about an hour but oh my god! Dinosaur School Program. I upgraded it to a 7.4 limo mini type right away because that was suggested and dang Daniel! This thing not only accurate (using.25 bbs) shoots hella fast! Distance is phenomenal for an smg (although still shouldnt replace your standard age rifle for outside play) I just. I'm so speechless man it made me wanna marry the gun!
I've found no faults thus far, battery is a little tricky but I got the hang of it after about 5 mins. This thing shreds through your ammo like it's nothing so don't be too trigger happy like I was. I opted to wait a couple extra months to get the gangster gold edition because gotta have that swag when you on the field and dang I'm not disappointed! I know I'm rambling on but seriously if you're thinking about this then I highly recommend it.
It would completely dominate the cqb field. Now on to pros and cons Pros: -shoots amazingly fast -accurate for an smg -great distance for an smg -well balanced -I love the look of it and the mags are sick as well -comes with Two! Mags which is pretty dope if I do say so myself (although I still opt for the mid cap) -well built, not saying you Should drop it but it ain't cheap materials so you good Cons: -Some people would definitely find this too heavy (especially if you plan on one handing it like a sidearm) but if you've got the muscle and you're fine with it (like me) then it's really more of a pro -gotta watch out before it enhales all of your ammo -at least for mine, the mag is a little rickety when it's in the thing That's all from me, idk the techy stuff or whatnot 10/10. Questions, Answers and Comments Discuss about Echo1 General Assault Tool (GAT) Airsoft AEG Sub Machine Gun (Color: Black) with your friends and fellow shoppers! Comment or answer questions for a chance to win awesome prizes.