Matzman666 / OpenVR-AdvancedSettings. 23.3 MB OpenVR-AdvancedSettings-Installer-v2.4.1.exe; Source code. OpenVR Advanced Settings v2.4.
Changelog: • Added support for Revive's Trigger as Grip setting. • Added supersampling profiles. • Added several warning methods for when the user comes too close to the chaperone bounds (switch to beginner mode, haptic feedback, audio alarm, open dashboard) • Added a setting that allows to modify the chaperone fade distance and chaperone proximity warning's activation distance as a function of the player's speed. • Added Push-to-Mute. • Several other minor improvements and bug fixes. Embroidered Horse Patch more. Installer: Download the installer and execute it. If you have an older standalone version installed, delete the old application folder first.