Annat Kay Pattay is a Socio Romantic Urdu Novel by Story Writer & Novelist Nemrah Ahmed. Jannat Ke Pattay is an account of Courage, Reality, Struggle and Faith which makes Novel Reader Thrilled, Fascinated and Awed. The main character Haya Salman, LLB Hons Student, a young lady who at first has made an impression of an extremely Modern Girl, confronted an entertaining defining moment in her life when she got a grant from a Turkish University and some body transferred her own feature of a family work on Internet. As she has a place with a Conventional Family, she reached a Cybercrime Division Officer Major Ahmed yet she was shocked that he knows her extremely well.
The book Jannat Kay Pattay Novel pdf is a socio-romantic story written by Nimra Ahmed. Solutions Grade 6 Ebook Store. Nimra is one of the greatest Urdu female writers all time. You are here: Home / Urdu Novels / Jannat Kay Pattay Novel By Nimra Ahmad Pdf. Nimra Ahmed is the author of the book Jannat Kay Pattay Pdf.