131,241 downloads Uploaded: Militare Two new multiplayer maps have been added: Bizerte Fortress (mp_Bizertefort_obj) Game Modes available: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Objective Push forward into the gem of Tunisia, Bizerte. Pc Games Of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows. Root out the Axis positions and help bring freedom into Africa. Battle in the streets near the canal, root enemies out of the ancient fortress, or jump on to the mortar and machine gun nests and rain fire down on the enemy! Stuckguter (mp_Ship_lib) Game Modes available: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Liberation, Objective Stuckguter, a German cargo ship, is being raided by the Allies. Their precious munitions cargo must be captured, along with all hands! But use caution, the Axis are going to want prisoners as well, so they can determine who leaked their location.
New Mutliplayer Weapon: Italian Breda Heavy Machine Gun – URGENT NOTICE: The Breda heavy machine gun replaces German STG for all Italian infantry. This weapon uses a thicker 8mm bullet and weighs nearly 20 lbs. See the readme for additional fixes and changes. 3,641 downloads Uploaded: are clearly defined and it doesn 't take long to figure your way around. The map forces you down 2 avenues of attack which means your always going to be hitting the action areas. Whilst many maps confine you to set routes Compound also leaves the players with many different possibilities for attack or defense.
I Landman Software. Players can utilise the wide open space and high buldings for sniping and defense, whilst players on the ground will face some explosive close combat in the axis Compound, the tunnel and around the village. The map has been commented on as a ' 'snipers heaven ' ' and this is no exageration.
Snipers have been given the upper hand on this map but again will still be at the mercy of SMG players. The sniping spots have been carefull placed to provide a wide coverage of different areas of the map, but they are difficult to get to if SMG players are lurking about. Break through map http://rsobb.drumandbass.ru. 802 downloads Uploaded: Free for All, Team Deathmatch and Round based Game. In Objective the Allied players have to capture the important documents held near the Axis base at all costs. They do not have to return the documents to the Allied base, but simply grab them. The Axis have to defend the documents by running down the time or killing all of the Allies.
Cakewalk Vst Adapter Cool Edit Pro. The map works in Moh:AA, Moh Spearhead and Moh Breakthrough and has been tested in all 3 games. A few errors have been found in testing of this map, and they among other details can be found in the readme file. This is my first map, so please download it and give it a go. 373 downloads Uploaded: Garibaldi 's Redshirts, the Blackshirts were organized by Benito Mussolini as a military tool of his Fascist movement. The founders of the paramilitary groups were nationalist intellectuals, former army officers or members of the special corp Arditi, young landowners opposing peasants ' and country labourers ' unions. Their methods became harsher as Mussolini 's power grew, and they used violence, intimidation, and murder against Mussolini 's opponents. One of their distinctive techniques was force-feeding castor oil.