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Plot Data From Serial Port Matlab Software 5,7/10 4410reviews

Smile Of The Fox there. Hi, I found the code below which I intend to use for plotting real-time analog data from a microcontroller. How can I modify the code so that I can plot five analog signals instead of just one? I know that I have to change dat = fscanf(s,'%f'); to dat = fscanf(s,'%f,%f,%f,%f,%f'); I also replaced data(count) = dat(1); with data(count,:) = dat'; but unfortunately it is not working.

Use serial port for real time signal logging in Matlab. Plots accelerometer data from serial port in real time. Plots for x, y, and z data graph1 = plot(time. I have a question regarding reading data from a serial port into MATLAB. >I have a question regarding reading data from a serial port. Computing software for. Real time data plot from a serial port This matlab script is for plotting a graph by accessing serial port data in real time. Change the com values and all variable. Matlab plot multiple columns of data from arduino. Learn more about serial port, fscanf, arduino MATLAB.

Ps/2 Port