Set-up (Programming) procedure is too much to type in here, and is not practical and it will differ brand-to-brand remote controls. If you wish to get more; check the sites linked here. It has set-up code list & set-up procedure to many popular brand remote controls. One among it has general set-up codes to check with TVs and other devices are given, in the order of the 'device's brand name list' in alphabetical order. Pull up older posts. Search the sites by type in the brand name to your device in its search box at the top right part of the display window.

It will help you to find the document easily. Mar 31, 2015 . If you wish to get more details; check the sites linked here.
Driver Allegro Flex 6.0 here. It has set-up code list & set-up procedure to many popular brand remote controls. Common set-up codes to check with TVs and other devices are given, in the order of the 'device's brand name' in alphabetical order. Pull up older posts. Surf the site with patience. Surf the sites by type in the brand name to your set, in its search box. Type in the brand name of your device, in the search box [at the top right] of the display window and the Search will start at once as you type in, and will show you all the related posts.
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