I use AirWatch Agent and created an ActiveSync account to connect to my. How to disable “security policy restricts use of html. Email syncing on WiFi only. Hi, this morning my Galaxy S7 became disconnected from my Wifi network with the error 'Security Policy restricts the use of unsecured Wifi. Attention Samsung Galaxy Users: Your phone has a. Avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi. Click on “Check for updates” to manually retrieve any new security policy. 6 Replies Latest reply on Sep 30, 2012 3:39 PM by Verizon Wireless Customer Support. 'Security Policy restricts use of Internet Sharing'.

If you use Exchange ActiveSync to connect to your Exchange Server, your Exchange administrator is able to define Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies (Organization configuration - Client Access). Burke Hedges Books Pdf more. In our case the default policy disabled the use of Bluetooth on connected devices. Whenever we tried to use Bluetooth we received a message telling us that 'Security policy restricts use of Bluetooth connections'! There are three options for Bluetooth to choose from: 'Disable, Handsfree only, and Allow'.