Author by: Lewis Pyenson Language: en Publisher by: CRC Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 30 Total Download: 545 File Size: 43,7 Mb Description: A detailed account of Einstein's childhood and formative years focuses on the intellectual climate of Germany where, before 1919, his trailblazing work on the special and general theories of relativity received widest notice. The author explores the response to the theories by pure mathematicians, who did not have to face the prospect of a fundamental revision of their basic principles, and by physicists and astronomers, who did. Of interest to physicists, academics and students interested in Einstein himself and in the wider history of science and ideas, or in the social and intellectual history of Germany. Author by: Barry Parker Language: en Publisher by: Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 74 Total Download: 370 File Size: 50,9 Mb Description: The story of Einstein's early life written in novel form for ease of reading. Patch Adams Partitura there. It starts when he was nine years old and ends when he was in his early twenties.The book is illustrated with numerous drawing and is an accurate representation of this period of his life. Some of the things covered are: his problems in school, his fascination with a geometry book, his failure to pass the university entrance exams, his narrow escape in a fall on a mountain hike, his university years, his difficulty in finding a job after graduation, and the shock of the pregnancy of his girl friend.

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The All-new Super Friends Hour here. This is the first of a trilogy on Einstein;s life. Author by: John Stachel Language: en Publisher by: Springer Science & Business Media Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 94 Total Download: 866 File Size: 46,7 Mb Description: John Stachel, the author of this collection of 37 published and unpublished articles on Albert Einstein, has written about Einstein and his work for over 40 years. Trained as a theoretical physicist specializing in the theory of relativity, he was chosen as the founding editor of The Collected papers of Albert Einstein 25 years ago, and is currently Director of the Boston University Center for Einstein Studies. Based on a detailed study of documentary evidence, much of which was newly discovered in the course of his work, Stachel debunks many of the old (and some new) myths about Einstein and offers novel insight into his life and work. Throughout the volume, a new, more human picture of Einstein is offered to replace the plaster saint of popular legend.
In particular, a youthful Einstein emerges from the obscurity that previously shrouded his early years, and much new light is shed on the origins of the special and general theories of relativity. Also discussed in some detail are Einstein's troubled relationship with his first wife, his friendships with other physicists such as Eddington, Bose, and Pauli, and his Jewish identity.