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Vba File Copy Progress Bar 9,3/10 6098reviews

Using VB 6 In my Project, when I copy the file from one folder to another folder, at the time I want to show the progress bar like copying., Once the file was copied the Progress bar show’s 100% Completed. If the standard copy function is blocking the timer from firing then the best thing you can do is write your own copy which reads the source file a few thousand bytes at a time and writes it to the destination file. Between each read and write operation you need to update your progress bar and (possibly) call DoEvents to make sure it redraws. Also your timer code makes no sense. It just arbitrarily increases progress every time if fires without reference to how much progress has actually been made. You would be better off passing the progress bar to your copy function so that it can updated as you go. The copy in old school VB6 is a blocking command.

Vba File Copy Progress Bar

8200 License Acquisition Failure Details. So even DoEvents will give the same result (the file will copy, then the progress bar will show up). If you are copying large files over a slow medium and you need to be able to show progress, then you should create the target file and move over bytes in chunks in a loop, in that loop you could update your progress bar.