Name: Sea Scallop Latin Name: Placopecten magellanicus Group Name: Mollusc Location: Northwest Atlantic Fishing Gear: New Bedford rakes or dredge Fishing Season: Variable Species at a Glance Sea or Giant Scallops are bivalve molluscs and are one of Canada’s most important commercial shellfish species. The scallop is possibly best known for its beautiful and distinctive circular-shaped shell that can reach up to 20 cm in size. This fishery is managed in six geographical zones called Scallop Fishing Areas, which range from the St. Pierre Bank off the south coast of Newfoundland to Georges Bank off the southern coast of Nova Scotia.

La Bible Weber Du Barbecue Pdf Gratuit. Primary export markets for Sea Scallops are the United States and France. The Eastern Canada Sea Scallop (offshore) populations are healthy and sustainably managed. Current biomass levels are above their long-term medians and annual fishing quotas are in line with science advice to maintain the future health of the population. Landings: From 2000 to 2009 the annual landings averaged around 7,000 tonnes (meat weight, not including shells) in the offshore scallop fishery. Landings and total allowable catches declined from 2000 to 2005 but have been increasing since then. The total allowable catch was set at 6,175 tonnes in 2010.
In 2012, the total landed quantity (inshore and offshore) was 6,368 tonnes. In 2011, the total landed quantity (inshore and offshore fishery) was 7,145 tonnes meat weight. Offshore landings (vessels over 90 ft.) amounted to 5,505 tonnes of meat weight. Value: The overall value of the inshore and offshore scallop fishery was $113.5 million in 2012, of which $82. Crack Desktop Lock 7.3. 9 million was landed in the offshore fishery. Abundance Status and Trends: The commercial catch rate remains above the long-term average, as does the estimated biomass.
Bay Scallop regulations in. Sea Turtles; Waterfowl. It is illegal to possess bay scallops on waters outside open harvest areas or during the closed season.
In the George Bank fishing area, where the majority of offshore scallop fishing occurs, an extremely large cohort of pre-recruits (juveniles) was observed in the 2008 survey. These scallops will be of harvestable size in 2010-11, with an expectation of much higher commercial biomass levels at that time. Fisheries: The fishery occurs off the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and part of the southern coast of Newfoundland. Georges Bank, off the southwest portion of Nova Scotia, accounts for approximately 80 percent of all offshore scallop landings. Conservation Measures: The sea scallop fishery management measures include limited entry (no new licences), total allowable catch quotas for each Scallop Fishing Area, meat counts, electronic vessel monitoring, dockside monitoring of all landings, and industry-managed closures designed to protect juvenile scallops and increase yields. Species Background Sea scallops are found densely concentrated on sandy, gravel bottoms.