Girl Scout Journey Award Patch Set is an iron-on patch with three iron-on. Find out where to place Daisy badges & insignia. ©2017 Girl Scouts of the USA. The Girl Scout Daisy Vest: placement of patches and pins. Teamsite Cms.
Uniform Basics Daisies may choose between a blue tunic or a blue vest. For formal events, vests and tunics are worn with white shirts and khaki pants or skirts. In addition to the standard white and khaki option, Daisies may choose to wear a full uniform ensemble, which includes a beanie and leggings or a skirt. The Front of the Uniform All official patches, pins, and insignia are placed on the front of the Daisy uniform.

A Daisy might not earn all of these awards—it depends on her length of time in the program. The following are the only pins, patches, and awards that belong on the front of the Daisy Girl Scout uniform.
Insignia marked with an asterisks* can be added to girls’ uniforms right away! Mta Roleplay Gamenode Adobe. • *American Flag Patch – This patch identifies Girl Scouts living in the USA. Descargar Libreoffice-l10n-es here. • *Council Identification Set – This set includes the Girl Scouts of USA strip and the River Valleys council ID strip. • *Troop Numerals – Upon joining Girl Scouts, girls will receive a troop number.
• Membership Stars and Disc – These signify the completed years in any given program level. For every year completed, a star is placed on the uniform. These stars will move on to the next program level uniform as to continually represent the years the girl has been in Girl Scouts.