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• GA-C7V7-RH VIA C7 Processor Motherboard User's Manual Rev. 100 12ME-C7V7RH-1001R. • Table of Contents GA-C7V7-RH Motherboard Layout..3 Block Diagram...
4 Chapter 1 Hardware Installation Game Ctr Ps1 Untuk Laptop. ..5 Considerations Prior to Installation..5 Feature Summary... 6 Installation of Memory.. Islamic Calendar 1431 Pdf there. 8 Installation of Expansion Cards.. 9 I/O Back Panel Introduction..10 Connectors Introduction...
• GA-C7V7-RH Motherboard Layout CPU_FAN VIA C7 RCA SV BIOS COMB CN700 IT8712 IDE1 IDE2 F_USB2 F_USB1 CLR_CMOS RTL8100C VT8237R Plus F_AUDIO CD_IN SATA2 AUDIO SATA1 SPDIF_IO CODEC SYS_FAN F_PANEL PCI1 - 3. • Block Diagram VIA C7 Processor 533/400 MHz FSB VGA Port 533/400 MHz S-Video / AV out DDRII CN700 RJ45 1 PCI RTL8100C 2 Serial ATA VT8237R Plus BIOS LPC BUS LPT Port IT8712 PS/2 KB/Mouse ATA33/66/100/133 COM Ports 6 Channel 8 USB IDE Channels CODEC.