SNES9x Windows v1.51: Download Now; Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games. Snes9x, free and safe download. Snes9x latest version: Enjoy the best Super Nes games on your PC. I was never a SNES fan but I've got plenty of friends that rave.
And officially ported to windows, giddieyup no, the port for windows was officially updated. Maybe it's just too early in the morning, but how is that different from what I said, we both said that it was ported to windows officially, the only reason this holds any significance to me is because it WASN'T last time, so are you trying to say it WASN'T officially ported?
I'm a bit confused. Believe it or not, franpa does have it correct. The Windows port had no maintainer for a bit, and thus was not updated with the 1.50 release. The DOS port in Snes9x still exists (well, the code), but with noone to maintain that port, there were no further updates. _________________ Continuing Research.
Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:41 pm. Is there a way to maintain a 4:3 ratio on a 5:4 monitor in this new version? Probably not as I couldn't find it in the options and cfg.
Are you sure your monitor pixels are non-square? If it's a LCD display, the most likely are. If it's a CRT, then for god's sake, switch to 1280x960:) 1280x1024 is horrible. This obviously won't help you on LCD since the pixel size is fixed. But all LCD's I've ever seen have had square pixels, regardless of screen size. I wouldn't at all be surprised if this was not the case on some models. I've been thinking, the real solution is to not adjust aspect based on monitor resolution, but request the user to specify the size of a pixel (w vs h).
If it varies on CRT, well, they'll have to keep changing the setting along with resolution. Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:48 pm.
Australia Visitor Visa Form 1419. And officially ported to windows, giddieyup no, the port for windows was officially updated. Maybe it's just too early in the morning, but how is that different from what I said, we both said that it was ported to windows officially, the only reason this holds any significance to me is because it WASN'T last time, so are you trying to say it WASN'T officially ported? I'm a bit confused.
World War 1913 Game. Believe it or not, franpa does have it correct. The Windows port had no maintainer for a bit, and thus was not updated with the 1.50 release.
The DOS port in Snes9x still exists (well, the code), but with noone to maintain that port, there were no further updates. I'm fully aware of this, you missed what I am saying, I've BEEN saying exactly what you guys are. I'm entirely aware that 1.50 was not ported to windows, hence why I specifically mentioned that there was a windows port this time, with 1.51. If 1.50 had been updated for windows like all the others it would have been kind of pointless and redundant to mention that there was a windows port for 1.51. There was talk of Snes9x not updating in Windows anymore but thankfully those dark days are over. Are you sure your monitor pixels are non-square?