Grad Profiles - Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Overview Bryn Mawr is a liberal arts college for women with two coeducational graduate schools: the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research. Bryn Mawr was the first women's college in the U.S. To offer the Ph.D. To women in 1888, and graduate education continues to be a significant part of its mission. Total enrollment is more than 1,625 students, of whom 1,232 are undergraduates. Total enrollment in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is 173, including 119 women and 54 men. Ten percent of students are international; 40 percent are full-time; 72 percent receive some form of financial aid, including 42 percent who receive a stipend.

The Bryn Mawr Clinical Developmental Psychology Program (CDPP) offers doctoral training and education in clinical psychology for men and women. The CDPP integrates. The Department of Psychology offers the student a major program that allows a. Foundation for graduate work in psychology and. Bryn Mawr College. 300zx Electric Fan Install.

Programs range in size from 2 to 35 students; the largest program is history of art, followed by clinical developmental psychology. Graduates in the past five years, 80 percent of those in science are employed in the field of their degree, about evenly divided between academic and commercial/industrial positions.
In the humanities, 50 to 80 percent are employed in their fields; occupations include college and university teachers, museum curators, editors, and academic or foundation administrators. The Location and Community Bryn Mawr is a suburb of Philadelphia, the fifth-largest city in the U.S. It is well served by rail lines (the Main Line) and by bus. Philadelphia is renowned for music, museums, and sports, and is also a culinary mecca with restaurants serving many cuisines. The metropolitan area has more than 100 museums and fifty colleges and universities, with a total population of approximately 220,000 students.
Programs of Study and Degree Requirements Bryn Mawr's Ph.D. Programs prepare candidates for academic and research careers in colleges and universities, museums, foundations, government agencies, and private enterprise. Graduates of the program in clinical developmental psychology are also prepared for counseling and for school and hospital administration. Is offered in chemistry; classical and Near Eastern archaeology; clinical developmental psychology; Greek, Latin, and classical studies; history of art; mathematics; physics; and Russian. Program in French prepares students for the best American Ph.D. Programs as well as for teaching and many other professions using French.
A full-time course load is 3 units (courses) per semester; 6 units are required for the M.A. And 12 for the Ph.D.
Can be earned in one or two years. Preliminary examinations are normally taken in the fourth or fifth year, followed by two to three years on the dissertation. The program in clinical developmental psychology follows a slightly different schedule and requires 18 units for completion. Bryn Mawr is both teaching and research intensive. The science programs offer particularly close mentoring in both teaching and research and are well suited to students who aim for a teaching career.
The College's small scale and informality guarantee easy access to faculty members and facilitate participation in the academic offerings of other departments. Students typically take an active role in the design of their program of courses and their research. Good writing skills, independence, and originality are prized in all programs. Facilities & Resources Bryn Mawr's libraries, comprising the Mariam Coffin Canaday Library, the Lois and Reginald Collier Science Library, and the Rhys Carpenter Library, contain well over 1 million volumes and provide access to more than 3,000 electronic serials. Rhys Carpenter Library, with 125,000 volumes, is a specialized library for archaeology, classics, and the history of art and architecture. Carpenter Library has 103 networked carrels for students as well as classrooms and a visual resource center. Laboratory and other research facilities in the Park Science complex include the following for biochemistry: a cold room, centrifuges, UV and fluorescence spectrophotometers, and facilities for working with radioisotopes.