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Arduino Airsoft Bomb Code 7,2/10 1181reviews
Arduino Airsoft Bomb Prop

There are multiple codes inside. Open and upload the Time_Bomb_Airsoft_Game.ino. If you connected everything the right way it should work right away. 300zx Electric Fan Install. Gerador Toyama Tg2800cx Manual. Hello everyone, I am not the best coder and am trying to make an Airsoft search and destroy bomb for me and my friends to play with. Arduino Airsoft bomb - Help needed. Example A hostile has the disarm code,he must be captured and interogated for the code. Then the team can disarm the bomb.

How To Make A Airsoft Bomb

Today i made a ARDUINO AIRSOFT TIME BOMB, pretty easy to build. Ca-42 Usb Driver here. Take a look at the video to see the ARDUINO AIRSOFT TIME BOMB at work.

Schematic: Parts list: Potentiometer (+ knob optional) buzzer On/Off switch lcd 1602 – Blue Backlight 4×4 Keypad 2x Red leds, 1x green led. 2x 220 Ohm (220 R) resistors A set of MM FF MF Jumper wires Female Power jack & adapter (optional) (You can also add batterys of course) 2 buttons for C & D(optional) 1 button for reset (optional) Alarm Strobe? (i used male and female audio plugs to connect the lamp) The code in this ARDUINO AIRSOFT TIME BOMB has multiple tabs. So you need to add each code to a NEW tab. Code: (Name it “Airsoft time bomb”.).