Wii Mod is a tool that lets you install IOSs, channels, system menus, and much more. Here's what it can do: • Pretty comparable to Dop Mii v15, MMM v13.4, Wad Manager v1.7, Anytitle Deleter DB, bluedump and NUSD. • Can find missing IOSs that are needed for installed WiiWare.
• Shows clean IOSs at a glance. • Interface helps you find and fix problems. • Added Any Region Changer • Added Any Title Manager( extractor and deleter ) • Added App launcher • Warns you if you try to Install a system menu without the required IOS • Warns you not to delete the system menu IOS • Warns you not to delete the IOS used by the Homebrew Channel • Hold D-PAD for continuous scrolling • Supports AHBPROT in all areas, if in AHBPROT mode it won't check IOSs unless you manually do it from the menu as that looses AHBPROT mode. • This app no longer needs a patched IOS, it can do everything in AHBPROT mode however, if you check the IOSs you will reload the IOS and will loose AHBPROT mode.
This change log includes the entire Granny development history. Arduino Airsoft Bomb Code here. Depeche Mode Singles 81 Torrent. If you'd like to be notified when there's a new version of Granny, you can follow us at twitter.com.