Geez, what version of Dark Injection are you talking about? All the major bugs have been ironed out as of v9, and the minor ones are just incorrectly-assigned textures on the new parts, which I've nearly finished fixing for 9.r. C&C is worth it, as many post-SporeModder mods will require it (mainly those which add new effects). Also, it adds a ton of new test drive animations, 2 new backgrounds, and a handful of surprisingly useful skinpaint textures. Also, some mods I'd recommend: Dark Injection 9 with Dark Injection 9.r mini-release 1 Dark Genetics CamBen's Colour pack (Not sure how useful this one is, but it's great for manually colouring creatures.) Himeric Engine Beta 1 (This one is a bit.'
What are the must have mods? Spore Resurrection: Next Steps. Dark Injection 9.r. Dec 28, 2012 Dark Injection 9 - Lets not lock this one. Dark Injection v8. Is just the camera zooming not zooming all the way in like it does in the Platinum Spore mod. Dark Injection 9.r is a mod for Spore, which aims to rebuild as much of Darkspore as possible, and to further open up creative opportunities presented within.
Dark', for lack of a better term, so IDK if that's a concern or not, but I figured I should mention it just in case.).and some upcoming ones to keep an eye our for: Spore Resurrection: Next Steps Dark Injection 9.r (Full release that is, and I'm trying to get a second mini-release out soon) 2006 UX (If 'Beta Spore' is of interest, that is, which I would think is unlikely, given that 2006 is 9 years ago.) Also, if you have any troubles with any mods, just give me a shout, and I'd be more than happy to aid you:D • • • •. Soal Snmptn Dan Pembahasan Pdf File.
REMEMBER THIS IS NOT MY MOD THIS IS FROM DAVOO ONLINE AND IS MADE BY DAVOO I DID IT SO THAT PEOPLE COULD ENJOY THIS MOD IN SPORE BASE Dark Injection v6.0.1 How to get Darkspore parts into Spore. By Davo » Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:12 pm A Special thanks to Rebecca! Sql Update Datetimeoffset. DARK INJECTION version 6.0.1 INTRODUCTION What is Dark Injection? Dark Injection is a modification that injects the 'Hero' parts from DarkSpore into the Galactic Adventures Creature Editor.
EDIT: I've tried this out, and it works well for the most part, but there are two fatal flaws keeping me from being able to use it. -Parts cannot be shrunken very much. Can you possibly change this so they can be made tiny and huge? Some of my critters have details so small they barely even render. -OrbitSpore Golden Parts paint detail color instead of being permanently golden yellow. I use them in a color-coded fashion, so this is a big problem. Is there any chance of fixing this?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2012, 07:53:47 PM by Shizuo Heiwajima » Logged. EDIT: I've tried this out, and it works well for the most part, but there are two fatal flaws keeping me from being able to use it. 1-Parts cannot be shrunken very much. Can you possibly change this so they can be made tiny and huge? Some of my critters have details so small they barely even render. 2-OrbitSpore Golden Parts paint detail color instead of being permanently golden yellow.